Sleepless in Sicily. Was it the full moon? The Winter Solstice? No, probably the ¾-pound bag of pistachios I munched on all day yesterday. Throughout the last two years of nomad life, pistachios [...]
I’ve been in Budapest for just over a week now, working too much, seeing too little, with sadness plaguing me. Yesterday, I escaped and explored. Sadness is an inexplicable beast. It worms [...]
It's the morning of Christmas Eve here in Porto and the sun shines after a dreary, bone-soaking day of rain yesterday. I'm not sure yet what my Christmas holds. I do know I have a lot to figure [...]
When I tell people my travelling-for-five-years plan, they’re generally really excited to hear about it, but they also question the safety. Not just of a woman travelling alone throughout all [...]